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    Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles


    ​Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Performing Lowbrowness: How Chinese Queer People Negotiate Visibility on Short-Video Platforms” New Media & Society, (2024) doi:10.1177/1461444824126698


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Patriarchal Racism: The Convergence of Anti-Blackness and Domestic Gender Tension on Chinese Social Media.” Information, Communication & Society (2024): 27, no.2 (2024): 223-239 


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “More Bottoms than Tops? Mediated Sexual Roles and Masculinity Assemblage in Chinese Gay Communities.” Sexualities, (2023):  


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Compulsory Interracial Intimacy: Why Does Removing Ethnicity Filter on Dating Apps Not Benefit Racial Minorities?” Media, Culture & Society, 44, no. 5 (2022): 1034-1043


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Besides Tongzhi: Tactics for Communicating and Constructing Sexual Identities in China.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 32, no. (2) (2022): 282-300


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “(Un)Naturality and Chinese Queer Masculinities on Ailaibulai,” Feminist Media Studies. 20, no.4 (2020): 565-581. 



    Essays and Reviews


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Steamy Shanghai Nights,” Anthropology News, 64, no. 1, (2023): 7-9


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Gender and Sexual Politics in China’s Online Dating Scene,” Current History, 120, no. 827 (2021): 250-252


    Zhou, Zhiqiu Benson, “Review of From Amorous Histories to Sexual Histories: Tongzhi Writings and the Construction of Masculinities in Late Qing and Modern China,” Journal of Asian Studies. 77, no.2 (2018): 513-515 







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